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  • Double-check the spelling of keywords.
  • Try different words with the same meaning (e.g. "FDH" & "Foreign Domestic Helper").
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General Remarks

  1. Regulation 2(1) of the Immigration Regulations (Chapter 115A), Laws of Hong Kong, stipulates that permission given to a person to land in Hong Kong as a visitor shall be subject to the following conditions of stay:
    1. he shall not take any employment, whether paid or unpaid;
    2. he shall not establish or join in any business; and
    3. he shall not become a student at a school, university or other educational institution.
  2. Any person who contravenes a condition of stay in force in respect of him shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of HK$50,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years under section 41 of the Immigration Ordinance (Chapter 115), Laws of Hong Kong.
  3. For permissible activities for visitors, please see “here”.

