
Appendix 18 - Electronic Service Application Statistics

2015 2016 2017
Application Type Internet Phone Total Internet Phone Total Internet Phone Total
Particular Search of Birth Records1 839 - 839 757 - 757 1 118 - 1 118
General Search of Birth Records1 37 - 37 43 - 43 53 - 53
Certified Copy of Birth Certificate1 1 345 - 1 345 1 267 - 1 267 1 744 - 1 744
Particular Search of Death Records1 267 - 267 277 - 277 385 - 385
General Search of Death Records1 59 - 59 44 - 44 62 - 62
Certified Copy of Death Certificate1 389 - 389 356 - 356 451 - 451
Search of Marriage Records & Certified Copy of Marriage Certificate1 1 773 - 1 773 1 696 - 1 696 2 277 - 2 277
Appointment for Registration of Hong Kong Smart Identity Card2 433 724 70 604 504 328 452 398 74 386 526 784 462 547 72 923 535 470
Appointment for Giving Notice of Intended Marriage2 66 964 20 240 87 204 66 902 19 364 86 266 62 817 19 774 82 591
Appointment for Applying for HKSAR Travel Documents3 456 309 84 839 541 148 439 117 79 295 518 412 432 430 91 668 524 098
Appointment for Applying for Extension of Stay (except Visitors and some Application Types)3 164 361 13 523 177 884 189 166 12 757 201 923 210 653 10 562 221 215
Notification of Pre-mature Termination of Employment Contract of Foreign Domestic Helper4 678 - 678 729 - 729 1 067 - 1 067
Application for HKSAR Passport (for Applicants Aged 11 or Above)5 65 870 - 65 870 61 813 - 61 813 71 112 - 71 112
Application for Access to Information of Immigration Department6 76 - 76 77 - 77 93 - 93
Appointment for Birth Registration7 50 143 43 497 93 640 53 653 40 053 93 706 52 796 34 512 87 308
Reporting Immigration Offences8 82 - 82 105 - 105 185 - 185
Application for Verification of Eligibility for Permanent Identity Card (including Supplementary Documents Submission & Change/ Enquiry about Appointment for Document Verification Relating to Verification of Eligibility for Permanent Identity Card)9 47 601 24 250 71 851 51 371 24 560 75 931 55 708 22 425 78 133
Submission of Information Required for Registration of Marriage10 4 704 - 4 704 4 004 - 4 004 6 241 - 6 241
Appointment for Collection of HKSAR Passport or Document of Identity for Visa Purposes11 216 646 72 209 288 855 200 583 60 406 260 989 205 152 57 039 262 191
Enquiry about the Status of Application Relating to Verification of Eligibility for Permanent Identity Card11 66 587 18 492 85 079 63 581 17 913 81 494 84 311 19 016 103 327
Enquiry about the Status of Application Relating to Hong Kong Visas11 717 592 190 939 908 531 985 560 224 648 1 210 208 927 065 161 819 1 088 884
Application for Extension of Stay and Submission of Supplementary Documents (except Visitors and some Application Types)12 13 711 - 13 711 17 804 - 17 804 19 427 - 19 427
Submission of Information Required for Registration of Birth13 6 013 - 6 013 5 443 - 5 443 7 139 - 7 139
Pre-arrival Registration for Taiwan Residents14 515 094 - 515 094 550 006 - 550 006 542 002 - 542 002
Pre-enrolment for the e-Channel Service for holders of the Republic of Korea passport115 4 481 - 4 481 3 539 - 3 539 - - -
Application for Entry Visa under the Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents16 76 - 76 71 - 71 67 - 67
Application for Certificate of Absence of Marriage Record17 - - - 881 - 881 2 916 - 2 916
Pre-arrival Registration for Indian Nationals18 - - - 2 839 - 2 839 426 876 - 426 876
Total 2 835 421 538 593 3 374 014 3 154 082 553 382 3 707 464 3 576 694 489 738 4 066 432


  1. Services previously provided under Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) Scheme were provided under GovHK website since 30 October 2007.
  2. Services previously provided under Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) Scheme were provided under GovHK website since 2 January 2008.
  3. Services previously provided under Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) Scheme were provided under GovHK website since 2 January 2008, and the services were extended to the Immigration Headquarters since 30 November 2009.
  4. Service previously provided under Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) Scheme was provided under GovHK website since 18 January 2008.
  5. Service was provided under GovHK website since 22 December 2007.
  6. Service was provided under GovHK website since 29 September 2008.
  7. Service was provided under GovHK website since 3 November 2008.
  8. Service was provided under GovHK website since 30 January 2009.
  9. Service was provided under GovHK website since 27 February 2009.
  10. Service was provided under GovHK website since 21 September 2009.
  11. Services were provided under GovHK website since 30 November 2009.
  12. Service was provided under GovHK website since 26 May 2010.
  13. Service was provided under GovHK website since 24 Febuary 2012.
  14. Service was provided under GovHK website since 1 September 2012.
  15. Service was provided under GovHK website since 12 December 2013 and pre-enrolment for the e-Channel Service for holders of the Republic of Korea passport was not required starting from 22 August 2016.
  16. Service was provided under GovHK website since 4 May 2015.
  17. Service was provided under GovHK website since 26 August 2016.
  18. Service was provided under GovHK website since 19 December 2016.