
Application for Special Permission for Performance of Motor Driving Duties by Foreign Domestic Helpers with Guidance Notes and Addendum to the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties

Version: English (Chinese: ID 934 is also available for reference only)
Document Size: 4 pages
PDF File Size: 863 KB

The employer must give full justifications on the need and specific details of the helper's driving service which are incidental to and arising from the domestic duties; and particulars of the vehicle to be driven by the helper. The helper must live in with the employer and possess a valid HK driving licence. The employer and the helper must complete the application form together with the Addendum to the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties.

E-mail address for enquiries:

Submission of Completed Forms
Mailing Address:

Only accepted if the applicant is NOT in Hong Kong:

Receipt and Despatch Sub-unit, Immigration Department
Ground Floor, Administration Tower, Immigration Headquarters, 61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories

Underpaid mail items will not be accepted by the Immigration Department. For proper delivery of your mail items, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address before posting. (Details)

In Person To:

Foreign Domestic Helpers Section, Immigration Department
4th Floor, Administration Tower, Immigration Headquarters, 61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories

Fax To:

Not Applicable

Telephone Enquiry Number:

(852) 2824 6111

Supplementary Notes
