The department has all along recognised the importance of environmental protection and sustainable development to Hong Kong. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring that all services delivered to the public and our internal operations are in compliance with environmental protection principles and practices and in accordance with the requirements under the relevant environmental legislation, codes of practice and the Clean Air Charter. Reviews on green measures are conducted from time to time for continuous improvement in our green performance. We also encourage staff members to actively adopt green practices in both the workplace and their everyday lives.
The Departmental Secretary is appointed as the Green Manager of the department. He is responsible for overseeing, reviewing and formulating various environmental protection measures in the department. Division heads are assigned to explore opportunities to adopt green initiatives and monitor the energy conservation measures to be implemented in offices under their purview. Energy Wardens are appointed at sub-divisional level to ensure the effective implementation of green housekeeping measures by conducting regular inspections in office premises and to maintain the staff's awareness of the importance of persistent conformity to the housekeeping measures. Reviews and audits of green management practices focusing mainly on energy saving are conducted by Energy Wardens on a quarterly basis.
The Resources Management Committee, chaired by the Deputy Director and consisting of members of senior management, closely monitors paper and energy consumption in its monthly meetings. The consumption records are regularly updated and uploaded to our intranet portal to enable managers at all levels to have a holistic view of the consumption of resources, which facilitates their monitoring process.
The department's power consumption in 2022 decreased by 1.73 per cent when compared with the previous year, with the total consumption being about 50 million kWh. The department will continue to implement a series of energy saving measures to reduce energy consumption.
The department will conduct carbon audits on those control points and buildings with annual electricity consumption exceeding 500,000 kWh. The findings will help us find out and measure our carbon footprints for the formulation of appropriate carbon reduction measures.
The department has been working in close collaboration with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) to identify and implement various practicable energy saving measures. For instance, air-conditioning and cooling systems are regularly inspected and necessary maintenance is conducted to control the electricity consumption. The department has also actively implemented recommendations from the EMSD by replacing the aged air-conditioning units with parts of higher energy efficiency.
To reduce energy consumption as far as practicable, the department will continue to take the following green measures:
Green Measures Taken | |
Lighting |
Air-conditioning |
Office Equipment |
Water Saving |
Others |
The department has been committed to advocating the reduction of paper consumption. Our paper consumption in 2022 decreased by 2.73 per cent when compared with the previous year. The department will make sustained efforts to reduce paper consumption with a view to introducing its diversified range of measures to minimise paper consumption both externally and internally, including:
The green measures listed above have been widely accepted by both members of the public and our staff. The department will continue to adopt information technology as far as practicable and closely monitor our paper consumption to create a paperless work environment.
To raise the staff's and public's awareness of the benefits of waste recycling for the environment, the Immigration Tower participated in the 'Programme on Source Separation of Commercial and Industrial Waste' initiated by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD).
Apart from ordinary waste, other recyclable waste including rechargeable batteries, fluorescent tubes and CD-ROMs were also collected through collection boxes.
To further minimise solid waste and protect the environment, the department continued to return used printer cartridges to suppliers by means of trade-in. The department also procured stock items according to green specifications to ensure that the products to be purchased would make minimal adverse impacts on the environment.
To implement the Clean Air Charter, which aims at improving air quality in Hong Kong, the department adopted the following measures in daily operations to minimise the adverse impacts of our vehicles and vessels on the environment as far as practicable:
The total fuel consumption of the vehicle and vessel fleets of the department decreased by 3.34 per cent from 1,079,643 litres in 2021 to 1,043,550 litres in 2022. The department will continue to make its best effort to minimise the fuel consumption and emissions of our vehicle and vessel fleets.
The department has all along endeavoured to provide a better work environment for its staff. In this connection, the Immigration Tower has participated in the Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme to ensure good indoor air quality to safeguard the health of our staff. This year, the indoor air quality of the Immigration Tower was assessed as having achieved the 'Good Class' grading.
To foster a green culture among staff members, the department continued to disseminate to staff through emails and our intranet portal the latest news and useful information on environmental protection, such as encouraging staff members to minimise the use of disposable plastic tableware as urged by the EPD. Staff members were also encouraged to participate in environmental protection campaigns arranged by other departments/organisations, such as the 'Green Low Carbon Day' organised by the Community Chest, which encouraged participants to adopt a greener lifestyle, such as taking public transport and supporting the recycling of waste; the 'Earth Hour' organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature, which encouraged participants to switch off non-essential lights at the appointed time for an hour; and the 'Moon Cake Box Recycling Programme','Red Packet, Candy/Biscuit Box Recycling Campaign' and 'No Air Con Night' organised by the building management office of the Immigration Tower.
To enhance staff's environmental awareness, the department has publicised green tips and the latest news relating to green matters at various offices. The information is updated periodically.
The support and cooperation of staff are the key to success in green office management. The department will continue to reinforce and extend the current housekeeping measures, adopt green management principles in all activities and take forward new green initiatives and targets as appropriate. The effectiveness of the green measures will be reviewed periodically in order to seek continuous improvement in the efficient use of energy and resources.
The indoor air quality of the Immigration Tower has attained 'Good Class' under the Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme launched by the Environmental Protection Department.
Staff members are encouraged to participate in environmental protection campaigns organised by different organisations so as to enhance their environmental awareness.
Staff members are encouraged to participate in environmental protection campaigns organised by different organisations so as to enhance their environmental awareness.
The department endeavours to implement green measures at its various office locations.
The new headquarters will adopt various energy efficient features and renewable energy technologies, including:
For greening features, the new headquarters will provide landscaping and vertical greening for environmental and amenity benefits. Furthermore, for recycled features, the new headquarters will adopt a rainwater harvesting system for landscape irrigation with a view to conserving water.