Appendice 19

Appreciation Received By and Review Findings on
Complaints Against Immigration Service

The figures are as follows:
In 2007-2008, appreciation  are 3370, justified complaints are 19, and undetermined complaints are 15, unjustified complaints are 52.
In 2008-2009, appreciation  are 2949, justified complaints are 12, and undetermined complaints are 19, unjustified complaints are 67.
In 2009-2010, appreciation  are 2891, justified complaints are 13, and undetermined complaints are 14, unjustified complaints are 41.

Review findings by the Complaints Review Working Party on complaints received from 2007/2008 to 2009/2010

Review Findings
Year Justified Undetermined Unjustified Total No. of
2007/2008 19 15 52 86
2008/2009 12 19 67 98
2009/2010 13 14 41 68