
Application for Naturalization as a Chinese National (for overseas) (For persons aged under 18)

Version: Chinese and English
Document Size: 4 pages
PDF File Size: 323 KB

This form is applicable to naturalization as a Chinese national submitted by overseas Hong Kong residents aged under 18. Please read the guide for applicants ID922A before completing this form.

E-mail address for enquiries:

Submission of Completed Forms
Mailing Address:

Overseas applications can be sent by post to the address below :

Nationality Sub-section, Immigration Department

2nd Floor, Administration Tower,

Immigration Headquarters,

61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O,

New Territories

In Person To:

Application can be submitted by applicant to the nearest Chinese diplomatic and consular missions; or submitted through local referee to the address below:

Nationality Sub-section, Immigration Department

2nd Floor, Administration Tower,

Immigration Headquarters,

61 Po Yap Road, Tseung Kwan O,

New Territories

Fax To:

Not Accepted

Telephone Enquiry Number:

(852) 2824 6111

Supplementary Notes
