
Consent to the Marriage of a Minor

Version: Chinese and English
Document Size: 3 pages (English) / 3 pages (Chinese)
PDF File Size: 242 KB

If either party to the intended marriage, not being a widower or a widow, is of or over sixteen and under twenty-one years of age, the written consent of the relevant person specified in the Third Schedule to the Marriage Ordinance, Cap. 181, must be produced to the Registrar before he issues a certificate or to the Chief Executive before he grants a licence.

E-mail address for enquiries:

Submission of Completed Forms
Mailing Address:

Not Applicable

In Person To:

This consent form is to be produced to the Registrar of Marriages upon filing of Notice of Intended Marriage

Fax To:

Not Applicable

Telephone Enquiry Number:

(852) 2824 6111

Supplementary Notes
